Saturday, September 16, 2006

Eating corn with dad

This picture is kinda blury because dad and I were eating corn soooo fast that we were a blur. Mom bought some really yummy corn at a farm in Layton, Utah and we've been eating it ever since. Last night the dad andI shared an ear. He tried to put some on my cage, but I wasn't having it. This 'too does not eat corn alone! No sirree! I demanded to eat with my flock. I also sampled some of their trout, but the corn was yummier. Oh...and now we're in Denver where dad is sorta workin and mom & dad are looking at where we wanna live when we move here next spring. They think they want a house w/a sunroom for me, but I won't stand for that either. I want to be with the family. Maybe I'd stand for it when they are at work.

In other said there's a birdy store here where they grind feeties! Yikes! Actually I've had my feeties grounded before and it wasn't 'too bad. But when that grinder gets near my face, I scream bloody murder!!!! I'm always afraid they are going to grind my whole face off!

Lastly, I haven't heard from my sorta boyfriend, Louie. I think he realized he needs to concentrate on girl 'toos closer to him. *sigh*.

Baby Snuggy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you know that you have to go through a lot of pain to maintain your beauty. After you have your beaky grinded, you will have to send Louie a picture. I am sure you will hear from him then.

8:57 PM  

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