Monday, July 03, 2006

Another exciting day on Cockatoo Street

Yesterday the mom took me over to this place called Cockatoo Street, here in Salt Lake City. We sat outside and watched their 'toos run around on the table, whistle, talk, scream, hop and all kinds of crazy stuff. At one point mom suggested that I'd be more fun if I ran around and was as animated as one of their 'toos. Their dad, Gregg said, " don't want that. It's cute for 5 minutes, then it's annoying". So I stayed my usual calm self and watched everything that went on. Occasionally I wowed them with a "Hi Sweeter!" and "Hi Baby!". All was going good, until mom's favorite 'too climbed up on her shoulder, the same one I was using. All of a sudden, he started fighting with me!!!! I screamed and screamed until his mom snatched him away and gave him a for-the-rest-of-the-afternoon time out.

Pretty soon it got to be 'too hot to sit outside, so we went in. Cari (the 'toos mom) & my mom started talking about going to lunch. Gregg ('too dad) stayed back 'cause Cari made him get up early and he doesn't get up early, like us 'toos. They put together a 'too food bonanza, and put me in thier large, extra cage. I looked around, amazed at the mansion I was in. Pretty soon I found something to chew, so mom knew I was ok to leave. When they came back, they had my dad with them! All in all, it was an exciting day! I was sooo worn out that I slept in until 9am today and I only woke up 'cause the dad woked me.

-The Snug


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Snuggy, Why didn't you tell your mommy to take pictures? You know I want to see you as much as I can.

10:19 AM  

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