Usually I've either met birds that didn't come out of their cage, weren't taken for walks around campgrounds, never went for bike rides and of course are NEVER as cute as moi!
However, I met a big fat showoff today!
Here is I am with Max, the Yellow Naped Amazon (showoff)!
One of the first things you'll notice is Max is waving with his left foot. He does this anytime anyone points a camera at him! Some others were out taking pictures and he waved for every one of them. I, of course, am just plain cute just as I am.
Max also lets anyone touch him, pick him up and play with him. Doesn't he realize what risk he's putting himself in? He could get GERMS!!! The was passed around and loved and scritched by everyone.
Finally, Max has a vocabulary of around 300 words and is quite the showman! He can do 'the bomb', bark like a dog, cat noises, sing songs just to name a few. Here is a video I found on Animal Planet, not Max, but his vocabulary and responses to his owners questions are every bit of this bird! Max could give this bird a run for his money! I say 4 words, but I have a cuter voice.
Dad asked if I learned anything from my meeting with Max. I have to think about it. Here is a picture of me contemplating my experience with Max and the possibility of letting strangers play with her!