Friday, February 24, 2006

Today I had the opportunity to meet another new friend!

Usually I've either met birds that didn't come out of their cage, weren't taken for walks around campgrounds, never went for bike rides and of course are NEVER as cute as moi!

However, I met a big fat showoff today!

Here is I am with Max, the Yellow Naped Amazon (showoff)!

One of the first things you'll notice is Max is waving with his left foot. He does this anytime anyone points a camera at him! Some others were out taking pictures and he waved for every one of them. I, of course, am just plain cute just as I am.

Max also lets anyone touch him, pick him up and play with him. Doesn't he realize what risk he's putting himself in? He could get GERMS!!! The was passed around and loved and scritched by everyone.

Finally, Max has a vocabulary of around 300 words and is quite the showman! He can do 'the bomb', bark like a dog, cat noises, sing songs just to name a few. Here is a video I found on Animal Planet, not Max, but his vocabulary and responses to his owners questions are every bit of this bird! Max could give this bird a run for his money! I say 4 words, but I have a cuter voice.
Dad asked if I learned anything from my meeting with Max. I have to think about it. Here is a picture of me contemplating my experience with Max and the possibility of letting strangers play with her!


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I think I met a boy today (Tucson)

Mom & dad went for a walk around the campground today and heard noises.....bird noises...and not the kind made by the ones that live in trees. Later mom & I snuck over to inves-too-gate. We met a nice couple with 3 birds: a mini-macaw, a yellow-naped amazon, and an african gray. They don't know the sexes of their birds, but I'm betting the amazon is a boy. He was flirting with me in a major way! I looked at him and made my clicking noises, then he really went to town! He showed me his wings and was bobbing and weaving his head all around. He even looked at me with love in his eyes.....I swear! The more I clicked at him, the more he weaved and bobbed. It was great fun. Tomorrow we're moving on to drive for 2 days to get to Palm Springs, but I'll try to get a picture before we leave.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


So I knew it had to happen sooner or caught me spying! Darn darn darn! Now what's a 'too to do? I'm not going to give up spying, so I'll just have to be more stealthy. Anyone have any ideas as to how to be a stealthy 'too?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Whew! Been busy in Tucson!

Hi there! Baby Snug reporting in. This is the first time I’ve had a chance to update my blog in awhile because I’ve been sooooo busy. Plus I didn’t have internet and I type slow anyway. I can only type with my beakie, so it’s sloooww. Mom & dad finally figured out that the reason I’m so restless in the morning is that I demand a bike ride every morning. It helps get my blood pumping. Besides, there’s nothing better than crouching down in an aerodynamic position and feeling the wind whip thru my feathers. Here’s a picture of me and mom speeding around the campground in Tucson.

The other friends I met were a whole menagerie of animals! It started when I spotted Peaches, a rather sharp looking molluccan cockatoo in the front windshield of a motorhome down the street from me. When mom took me to meet him, it turned out there were two very nice ladies, Kathleen & Janet and their gang: Alfie (‘nother talking bird that doesn’t talk), Wasseau a cake bird (caique), Toots a little black capped conure who had the most ‘tude, a 14 yr. old cat that also likes scratches, and a blind/deaf 3 legged dog. He was the quietest of all. Peaches (aka “Peaches & Screams”) is an ever bigger scritch hoe than I am! Not only did he let my mom, a virtual stranger, scritch him, but he put his head on her tummy, walked onto her lap, and ALMOST came up to MY shoulder!!! He’s lucky that he didn’t or I woulda given him a piece of my beakie! Here’s a picture of Peaches & Kathleen and mom & I:

The other birdie they had that was a lot of fun was Wasseau, the caique. Not only is he colorful and very active, but he eats like a PIG! I saw him eat a whole apple slice and then one of the seed balls I brought over. I don’t know where he puts it all. Next time someone says you eat like a bird, they are really saying you are a pig. Here’s a picture of Wasseau: