Saturday, May 13, 2006

Another visit to Cockatoo Street!

Oh boy! My parrents took me on another visit to Cockatoo street. What craziness. I was still my shy self, but I let Gregg and Cari get in a little bit of touches. They kept saying they wanted to cuddle me and squeeze me and scritch me. No way! Not this 'too! I do find it comforting to hang out on Cari's shoulder at times, especially in the bird room when those other birds are showing off. Here's a picture of a 'too playing "dead" when his dad "shot" him:

Here's a picture of 2 'toos doing their "big eagle" pose. It's a little blurry 'cause my feet were shaking when I took the pic:

This is Cupid, doing his best, "I'm so cute, how can you resist me?" pose. (Boy do I know that look!)

This picture of me and my sorta-twin, Ellie. She's a medium-sulfer 'too, I'm a lessor (but it doesn't mean I'm any "lessor" cute!). I'm the one on the left. You'll notice we both have the same size beakies, even though she outweighs me by 100 grams (porker! LOL!)

And lastly, this is a picture of a 'too waving good bye.

Whew! I was exhausted when I got home, but thanks to my new friends, I have a cool new sock toy. Here's a pic of me exploring what's inside the sock.


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