Friday, April 21, 2006

A day at the sanctuary

Mom & dad spent the day at an animal sanctuary, playing with animals that aren't as fortunate as cute little me. Since there wasn't a need for volunteers in the bird area, they got to play with cats (eewww!). Dad even got to take a cat for a walk! A cat that walks on a leash? I thought they were smarter than that. See the pic for proof. After lunch they got a tour of the bird area, and I have proof that mom was playing with one of those scritch-hoe big pink birds. Mom said his name is Seppi and he's very friendly to strangers, which is why he gets so many scritches. I'll have to think more about that. Dad said this animal sanctuary is HUGE, covering 3000 acres and leasing another 30,000 acres from the Utah BLM (bureau of land management). In the cat area alone, they have over 600 cats!!! The bird area has 85 birds, including a room full of favorite play toy. We used to have a 'tiel (cockatiel) and I picked it up by the tail and flung it...airplane style. Mom said that wasn't very nice, but I got to eat her seeds. I never get seeds, so it was a big treat.


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